Mekons biography
1963. From a book depository window above sun-blasted Dallas, Texas USA; a lonely gunsel watches the motorcade and cuts down the King of Rock and Roll with the magic bullet. Deprived of its refining influence, the nation falters and cowboys reclaim the west. A decade later, J.> Osterberg steals the famous car for a joyride with a ladyfriend. Her hair is the color of the blood dried on the upholstery. She says she doesn't mind. Clever Sintians forge a web of power in the balkanized states from their base on Lemmy's island. A failed deal with the American devil looses their uncouth fury and thins the ranks. the cell splinters, but forays back to the continent suggest conquest is still possible, if not imminent. History has a stutter again. The Mekons are here for a little more reconnaissance.

1977. Never Been A Riot single is released on Fast. Jon Langford plays drums. Members are seemingly coming and going. the names are difficult to decipher. Only those involved know the real truth. The kids in England are angry. It spills over to America. The Mekons get picked up by Virgin Records. The Mekons get dropped by Virgin Records. Red Rhino and CNT push the ball a bit further.

1984. The country sound, with Susie Honeymoon on violin, plays it's hand with Sin Records. She joins the core of Jon, Tom, and Kevin. 1986. There is some touring happening in the States. All are excited. Sally timms adds sexy vocals to the mix, now as a permament member. Twin/Tone picks up the ball and passes it to A&M. Kevin leaves in 1989. Sad.

1991. Mekons hate A&M. Blast First and Loud run a bit further. Quarterstick scores touchdown in 1993 with I Mekons. Critics view in amazement as the Mekons become cult hero supra-exploder on the Trans-Atlantic scale. Thousand points of Mekons: Chicago, New York City, Leeds, London. Subsequent Millionaire single and Retreat From Memphis LP solidify relationship. People rejoice heartily as 1963 is revisited. Full circle. History indeed does have a stutter again. And Reconnaissance is not the only thing on their minds.

Late at night, when all the tourists have been put to bed, something shuffles restlessly through the hallways of Graceland. From within the walls comes the pounding of a secret heartbeat. A deathly chorus swells and the floorboards throb in confusion and sympathy. In a nearby motel, a couple unknowingly match the rhythm and shudder coldly. Back at the mansion the pulse fades and those televisions downstairs come alive, blaring the new of His return. He's cut another rock and roll record at last.

In the morning the procession ressumes. A 3 year-old girl finds a chipped guitar pick, damp with a sticky gray film, pops it in her mouth and runs down the hall.

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